Talent at Your
Are you an Employer? Don’t fall behind because you don’t have talent to help. The Kable Academy has a
pool of talented graduates ready to hit the ground running and integrate
seamlessly into your current team environment.
Why Our Clients Choose Kable Academy Graduates
Kable Academy is focused on diversity. Our classes represent the populations we serve. Our graduates are prepared for certifications in their field of study.
We equip every student to integrate seamlessly with your current team environment and hit the ground running. Sprint & agile environments require no learning curve- bring them up to speed on the project and let them loose!
Outside of technical training, our graduates work on communication and soft skills that translate in the workplace in preparation for future leadership opportunities.
Our graduates have access to a Senior network of resources that have been in the filed for years so if they hit a snag, they can connect with their senior mentors, resolve their issue quickly and get back to progress.
How We Work With You
Customized Solution for your Unique Needs
We understand that there is no one solution that fits all. We work with you to deliver a custom solution for your needs. Whether you need 1 developer for a short project or a team for permanent placement, we will find the solution that works best for you. From day one, you will have the same Solution Specialist so you can feel confident in your relationship with the Kable Academy.
We don’t just place a graduate with you and call it quits. We are passionate about making sure they are the right fit for your project and that you are the right fit for them. If the relationship doesn’t work out, we will work together to find the right person for your needs.